Carousel Volume 2 #1
GEnie™ CB Commands.rsrc
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There are CB commands to make the CB easy and fun to use. Each command starts
with a slash (/) and is followed by a command word. Only the first three (3)
letters of the command are needed. A command can be entered any time you are
on the CB. (That is after you have responded to the initial prompts, and are in
the CB mode.)
Here is a list of the current commands, and their uses. More commands are
planned for the future.
/HELp - This command prints a list of the current commands, and how to use
them. It is brief in scope and is meant as a memory jogger and is not meant
to be complete documentation.
/BYE - This command is used to sign off the CB and hang up the phone. Everyone
sharing your channel will see a message that you have signed off. The message
will be:
<LADIES MAN>is off.
(assuming your handle is LADIES MAN)
/CALl jj - This command is used to get the attention of another person on the
CB. For example, you might want to reach someone who is in the private mode.
Press <RETURN>, or <S>CROLL?s
You can use the /CAL command to let them know that you are waiting. First
determine the job number, using the /STA, or /SHO command.
/CHAnnel cc - This command is used to change from one channel to another. The
cc is meant to be the channel number you want to select. For example, if you
are on channel 13 and you want to move to channel 27, enter the command:
/CHA 27
/ECHo - This command turns on the echo mode. When you are in the echo mode,
you will see your messages, as well as the messages of everyone sharing your
channel. To turn off the echo mode, issue the command /XEC.
/EXIt - This command signs you off the CB and returns you to the GEnie menu.
The same as /QUIt.
/HANdle hh - This command is used to change your handle. For example, the
will change your handle to FRED. The command:
will display the current handle.
/MONitor cc - This command allows you to monitor (listen) to up to 4 channels,
besides the one you are on. You can only talk on one channel, but you can thus
listen to 5.
/QUIt - This command signs you off the CB and returns you to the GEnie menu.
The same as /EXIt.
/PRIvate jj - This command is used to enter the private mode with another user.
To use the command, first use the /STA command to find the Job number of the
other person you want to "go private" with. For example, to go private with
Job 6, issue the command:
/PRI 6
Job 6 will receive a message that you are requesting them in the private mode.
Your job number will be in the message, for example:
Job 2 requests you in the private mode.
They would respond with:
/PRI 2
and you would see the message:
Job 6 has joined you in the private mode.
In the private mode, all messages are private between the two parties, and no
one else may view them. To exit the private mode, both users issue the /XPR
/SCRamble kkkk - This command is used to scramble your messages. Messages will
appear scrambled to anyone who does not know the key kkkk. To use this
command, first decide on a four (4) character key word. Then exchange this key
among your group. (Perhaps using GE Mail). After logon, each member issues
the same /SCR command. Then text will appear clear to all members. While in
the scramble mode, you will also see any messages that are unscrambled.
/SHOw hh - This command displays the Job #, City, and State of the job with
handle hh. The display is similar to that of the /WHO command.
/SQUelch jj - This command allows you to squelch unwanted output from job jj.
If you find a person offensive, you may squelch them. They will see a message
that you have squelched them. From that point on, you will see none of their
messages. Use the /XSQ command to restore them.
/STAtus cc - This command displays the City, State, handles, and job numbers of
other users on the CB. The cc is the channel number you want the status of.
If the channel number is omitted, the status of your current channel is
displayed. Here are three examples of the command:
/STA - displays the status of the current channel.
/STA 15 - displays the status of channel 15.
/STA * - displays the status of ALL Channels.
/TIMe - This command displays the current time and day. It is the catalog
time, curently GMT.
/USErs - This command displays a chart showing the number of users on each
active channel. It is the same chart displayed during logon, but it is updated
to show the current balance of users.
/WHO jj - This command prints the City, State and handle of Job jj. Use it to
identify a particular job.
/XECho - This command turns off the echo mode.
/XMOnitor - This command turns off the monitor mode. Users on the channels you
have been monitoring will see that you have stopped monitoring.
/XPRivate - This command is used to exit the private mode. See the discussion
under the /PRI command.
/XSCramble - This command turns off the scramble mode, and produces messages in
clear text.
/XSQuelch - This command turns off the squelch of all jobs you have squelched.